City of Allentown Parks & Recreation
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Fountain Park - Fountain Field 3


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Fountain Park
Fountain Field 1
Fountain Field 2
Fountain Field 3
Fountain Field 4
Fountain Basketball 1

= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Area Information

961-967 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Allentown, PA 18102
Allentown, PA 18102

Contact: Field requests will not be permitted from January 1st until April 1st. If you are looking for fields please contact the rec office for assistance.   Phone: (610) 437-7757
Status: Open

Log In to Request

Additional Notes
It is recommended one (1) chemical or portable toilet for every 200 people attending the event. For events with alcohol, the recommendation is one (1) for every 100 people. Federal guidelines require five (5%) percent of these facilities be ADA accessible.

If you are requesting additional trash and recycling containers, you will need to contact Samantha Jackson at the Allentown Recycling Department at (610) 437-8729.

If serving or giving food at the event, you must complete the Temporary Concession Coordination Form and submit it to the Allentown Health Bureau upon confirmation your application has been processed.

Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule:
Baseball Fields
Per Game (2-3 hours) $40
Per Day $100
2 Fields Same Complex $175
3 Fields Same Complex $250
4 Fields Same Complex $325

Football/Soccer/Lacrosse/Field Hockey Fields
Per Game (2-3 hours) $40
Per Day $100
2 Fields Same Complex $175

Basketball Courts
Per Game (2-3 hours) $25
Per Day $90
2 Courts Same Complex $175
3 Courts Same Complex $250
4 Courts Same Complex $325

Volleyball/Tennis/Racquetball/Handball/Pickleball Courts
Per Day $25
2 Courts Same Complex $35
3 Courts Same Complex $55
4 Courts Same Complex $70

Miscellaneous Rates
Roller Hockey 1 Game $25
Roller Hockey 1 Day $65
Cross Country $75

Tournament (All Sports) $200
per field/court per day

Any renter or organization that has more than three (3) pick-up games in a season, must provide insurance. Tournaments require insurance.

(NOTE: Restrooms are closed 10/1-5/15. You must provide your own restrooms those dates.)

Food Vendors:
If you plan on cooking/selling food during your event, you will need to contact the Allentown Health Department for a permit. Martha Wittong (610)437-7760 ext. 2822

Trash/Recycling Containers:
If you are requesting additional trash and recycling containers, you will need to contact the Samantha Jackson Allentown Recycling Department (610)437-8729.

Reservations & Activities

Click on an activity name for details or the date for the activity schedule.


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