City of Allentown Parks & Recreation
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Special Event Permit Application Small Scale (Under 999)


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Special Event Permit Application Small Scale (Under 999)

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Facility Information

Allentown, PA

Status: Open

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Special Event
To properly process Special Event requests, please ensure you select the Special Event Facility, not a specific park locations. A Special Event application is required for any event that is being held on city owned public property and requires any city services such as  food and/or merchandise vendors, APD, EMS, road closures, recycling, health permits, or licenses, among others city services.

Timeline for Special Event Application Process:

90 Days from Event – Application Submitted - Payment Must Be Made in Full With Detailed Site Map Attached
  • A standard Special Event application must be submitted 90 days prior to the proposed event (no exceptions).
  • Please note that if any City personnel or support services will be required at your event, the application must be submitted a minimum of 90 days prior to the proposed event as it requires the review and approval of several city departments.

60 Days from Event – All Required Documents Submitted

  • 60 days in advance of the event, after the application has been received all required documents such as insurance, site map updates, vendor details, traffic checklist, closure petitions, safety plans and all city department applications must be submitted.
  • Provide written petitions, approvals or sub-permits such as PLCB permit, PennDOT permit, or approval from private property owners. 
  • All payments for other city departments such as permits, city services, and other fees are due by this time.
  • Event organizers/applicants will be invited to attend a special events committee meeting to make any additional confirmations 

30 Days from Event – Documents Approved/Use Permit Agreement Execution 

  • 30 days before the event you will receive written approval. If everything is approve and city services are confirmed, you will be provided with a use permit agreement to be fully executed and returned. (Please be advised the Use Permit Agreement is a contractual agreement with the City of Allentown) 

15 Days from Event – Final Check-In
  • A final check-in will be conducted 15 days before the event to ensure all plans are in place, and all necessary services (e.g., police, EMS, street closures) are confirmed.

30 Post Event – Event Debrief and Final Invoicing 
  • Within 30 days after the event, an event debrief will be scheduled to discuss the event’s success, any challenges encountered, and gather feedback for improvement in future events.
  • All final invoicing will be completed, which may include charges for police, EMS, street closures, and other city services provided during the event.

**Please Be Advised The City of Allentown does not provide electricity, water, restrooms, or a dumpster for any event; the event organizer is responsible for arranging and managing these services.**

Fee Schedule
APPLICATION FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE - FEE CAN BE PAID VIA CASH, CHECK (Payable to "City of Allentown"), or Credit Card *note there is a 3% processing fee when using a credit card form of payment*

Special Events
  • Special Event Application Fee - $100.00
  • Late Fee - $250.00 (in addition to application fee)
*Applications must be submitted no later than 90 days before the event, as the city reserves the right to deny any request received after this deadline. Please note that application fees are non-refundable and must be paid at the time of submission

Additional Fees For Various City Services May Apply And Will Be Billed Separately 

  • Traffic Control - labor cost for officers 
  • Security - Labor cost for officers 
*All billing for police services is managed by the Police Department. For any questions regarding fees or billing, please contact Chris Diehl via email at

  • Special Event stand-by - $160.00 per hour 
*All billing for medical services is handled by EMS. For any questions regarding fees or billing, please contact Scott Brokaw via email at

Public Works: 
  • Street Closure Fee - $50.00
  • Barricades - $12 each for delivery and pickup at event plus labor
  • Traffic Cones - $5 each for delivery and pickup at event plus labor
  • Street Closure using Dump Truck or Mifram - From the start of street closure to end of street closure, equipment plus labor cost  
  • Replacement fee for barricades - Equipment cost to replace
  • Replacement fee for traffic cones - Equipment cost to replace
  • Rental of light towers - Equipment and labor costs for delivery and pickup at event 
*All street closures for your event require the completion of the Special Event Closure Petition and the Street Closure Traffic Checklist. Both forms must be submitted 60 days prior to your event and approved by the public works department. 

Allentown Parking Authority: 
  • No Parking Signs - Each Temporary No Parking Sign costs $10. (There is a minimum requirement of eight (8) signs for an entire block and four (4) for half of a block.)
  • Lost Meter Revenue - Requests for metered parking streets will also include the cost of lost meter
    revenue. Downtown Core- $2 per hour. Outside of Core $1 per hour
*All no parking signs are handled by the Allentown Parking Authority. Event organizers must contact APA (Christopher Morello at 610-841-8115 or

  • Recycling and trash pickup after an event - Equipment, material and labor cost
  • Replacement fee for clear stream containers or trash or recycling supplies - $80.00 per unit 
*All Clearstream requests for additional trash and recycling containers are handled by the Bureau of Recycling and Solid Waste. Event organizers must submit the request form at least two weeks prior to the event by emailing Samantha Jackson

Parks and Recreation:
  • Band Trailer fee - $850 per day within City of Allentown
  • Baseball Fields - Per Day $100, 2 Fields Same Complex $175, 3 Fields Same Complex $250, 4 Fields Same Complex $325
  • Basketball Courts - Per Day $90, 2 Courts Same Complex $175, 3 Courts Same Complex $250, 4 Courts Same Complex $325
  • Football/Soccer Fields - Per Day $120, 2 Fields Same Complex $210
  • Pavilions - Per Day $75
  • Volleyball/Tennis/Racquetball/Handball/Pickleball Courts - Per Day $25, 2 Courts Same Complex $35, 3 Courts Same Complex $55, 4 Courts Same Complex $70

  • For profit vendor license 1-2 days - $40.00 
  • For Profit vendor license 3-14 days - $75.00
  • Non-Profit vendor license 1-2 days - $20.00
  • Non-Profit vendor license 3-14 days - $45.00 
  • Late Fee (if payment is not received at least 5 business days prior to the event) - $15.00 
*Any event featuring food and/or food vendors must obtain the appropriate vendor permits or licenses, including a temporary food license and a business license, and submit them to the Allentown Health Department. Event organizers should contact Martha Wittong at for assistance with the permit process. Permits can be obtained through the Allentown City’s self-service portal: EnerGov Self-Service Portal.

Additionally, Fees will be charged for cleanup after an event:
  • Fastening any object to a tree, shrub, or natural amenity - $25.00 per occurrence
  • Damage or destruction of glass, fields, or pathways - Equipment, material and labor cost to repair 
  • Sweeper Truck - Equipment plus labor costs 
  • Failure to remove signage within 3 business days - $25 per sign per day 

Reservations & Activities

Click on an activity or reservation name for details or the date for the activity schedule.


Program Event Teams Date Time
Superbowl 10K Race Sunday February 9, 2025 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM